Monday 14 February 2011

Paranormal and such....

Those who know me (And their numbers shrink daily) know how much I love looking into the paranormal and if you read my previous entry, you'd know how amusing I find Paranormal Activity, so I've been browsing the interwebs for images (I don't trust video evidence other then the TAPS teams recordings) that I think are genuine and show that their may be such things out there (Or that I find interesting) <- The runners of this site are awesome, this is a piece on AMITYVILLE, they also have a great collection of photo's with reckoning on how they were possibly made.

....I want to believe!

Friday 11 February 2011

Does Darwyn Cooke have a point?

I know this was news awhile back but I just stumbled upon it while getting my Darwyn Cooke fix.He said;

I want them to stop catering to the perverted needs of forty-five year old men, I want to stop seeing Batman fucking Black Canary, I don’t want to hear Batman swearing, I don’t want to see him feeding a boy rats, I don’t want to see characters getting raped in the ass, I don’t want to see characters who have been straight for sixty years become lesbians overnight because the writer’s too stupid or uncreative to come up with something decent, I want to see new characters for a new time, and when the industry of superhero comics realigns its sights to the young people it was meant for, I’ll be there with both arms and feet – Darwyn Cooke

I personally have to agree with him. I mean lets face it, over the past few years (Okay maybe more then a few) has become way to sexual orientated. My mother, who read comics back in the 50's and 60's pointed out to me as she flicked through some of my comics that all the woman had unnaturally big boobs. She hasn't been the only one, a number of friends I had shown such things too said similar things.

I mean c'mon, as if that isn't bad enough we have to deal with writers forcing unwarranted sex down our throats!

And that is all for now.....I'm off to wet myself laughing at Paranormal activity. I might tell you why later...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Latest Sketches

I haven't drawn for near on 6 months atleast but talking to Leigh Gallagher and the various comic panels @ sfx weekender inspired me to start up again.

Sfx Weekender

OMG! It was bloomin' awesome, loads better then last year (apart from last year James Marsters was there.) even though I did catch a cold. Word of advice, don't prance around Camber Sands in a black swimsuit and fishnet tights in the middle of winter.

George Takei was amazing! He was so sweet and down to earth, I love his voice, I could listen to him for hours!
I was getting annoyed at Craig Charles for making me stand for god knows how many hours, but when I met him he was so cool I forgot how pissed off I was XD.

Leigh Gallagher and the rest of the 2000ad team where amazing to! (I will stop saying amazing at some point.) Leigh was so helpful when I showed him some of my sketches and gave me some really great advice. I liked him from the first weekender but I like him even more now. I picked up the Defoe 1660 to see what all the fuss was about and I really enjoyed it.

I have to admit I found it very amusing the amount of times I was asked or referred to as Zatanna. I mean c'mon all she has in common with Black Canary is the damn fishnets.

On that note I want to marry the tall Darth Vader that was running around on the first day (maybe second day, I can't remember).